Monday, September 28, 2009

Thai paper plane champion

The video is about a little boy in Thailand who is excellent at making and flying paper planes. He is very determinded and hopeful, whether he wins or loses. He is the paper plane champion under 12 in Thailand.

English Treasure

An unemployed man in England bought a cheap metal detector...then he went metal detecting and found millions of dollars worth of Anglo-Saxon treasure. This is the largest find of Anglo-Saxon treasure in history. The man who found it is going to split the profits 50/50 with the mand who owns the land the treasure was found on. Archaeologists are unsure why the treasure is there, but they're going to keep investigating.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

TOMS press link

The links shows how many people care about TOMS shoes and its impact.

Toms Shoes

Toms shoes is a organisation with the goal to provide shoes for children in need. For every pair of shoes you buy, a pair is given to a child in need. Toms have given hundreds of thousands of shoes to children, and is still going.

Demi Moore Ashton Kutcher

Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher decided to start a cause and resolved to work towards getting rid of human trafficking and child exploitation. They wanted to do this so they could serve and give . They want to rally as many people as they can to this cause so they can do as much good as possible.

Laura and Luna Facebook video....

Some guy in Philadelphia who started a facebook group for Laura Ling and Luna Lee. Pretty soon the group became huge, tons of people were joining it and contributing. They used this group to organise vigils and other meetings. This website brought great comfort to Lisa Ling, even though she had never met most of the people.


Better World Books is a website which sells reasonably priced new and used books. When you buy a used book, you save it from being a land-fill, which is one of the objectives of the website. The website also works to promote world-wide literacy. There are all kinds of books on the website, so you can just take your pick.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

50 NP ideas

2.Supplement Article
3.Something about the war
4.Going into the military
5.Martial Arts
6.Random Sports(Rugby, Cricket) it a sport?
8.Being a mascot for Bethany
12.Lock-In for newspaper
13.Health Corner(every month)
14.Mr. Baham
16.The Internet
17.Origins of the newspaper/journalism class
19.Dietary Fat
20.Peanut Butter
21.Kanye West interrupting Taylor Swift
22.Ginger snaps w/coffee
26.Energy Drinks
27.Volleyball Socks
28.Tennis Shoes
30.Kip Holden coming to the girl's bible class
31.The Patriots
32.Brett Favre
34.The Saints
35.Andre Morreau
36.Workin Out
37.See you at the pole
38.Mac vs. PC
39.Barack Obama
40.The guy who yelled at Obama
41.Health Reform
45.Perkins Rowe
49.High Fructose Corn syrup
50.Organic Food

Monday, September 21, 2009


Who:People who like slurpees
What:Slurpee stuff
Where:The website
Why:To see slurpee stuff
How:Just download your picture
I think it's weird




Who:People with pets they think are cute
What:Pics of pet
Why:To show who's pet it cutest...
How:Just download your pic and battle...
It's used for people to show off their lovers will definately use it


1.Who:Everyone who wants to contribute
2.What:Lots of different words
3.When:All the time
4.Where:The website
5.Why:To learn about new words
6.How:Just go to the website and look it up

Friday, September 18, 2009

Crazy Sandwich Photos

Who:Anyone who likes crazy sandwiches
What:Crazy sandwiches
Where:Anywhere with crazy sandwiches
Why:...b/c crazy sandwiches are cool
How:just snap a pic.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Pocket Calculator

Who:Paul and Jay
When:Talks about 70's to 80's electronics
Where:All over the country/world
Why:To educate others

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Who:Nature Enthusiasts
When:All the time
Where:Nature Places
Why:To share nature
How:Upload it to the website


Toy Photography...

2.What:Artistic Photographs
5.Why:So people can see their art
6.How:...Downloading pics on the internet

Toy Photography


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Patrick Swayze

Patrick Swayze died this monday after a two-year long battle with pancreatic cancer. He is well remembered and much praised by his fellow actors and celebrities.

Somalie Pirates and Greek ship

Somali pirates realeased a Greek-owned ship and its 21 Filipino crewmembers. They were released after the pirates received a $2m ransom. They had been held captive since last April

Elton John's adoption

Elton John wants to adopt a 14-month-old Ukrainian boy, but the government will not let him because he is too old and unmarried. Elton John met the boy at an orphanage he toured because of his Aids Foundation. He says he still wants to adopt but isn't sure how.

Iraq shoe-thrower

It takes place in Iraq. It is about the Iraqi journalist, Muntadar al-Zaidi. He was arrested last December for throwing a shoe at then-President Bush. He claims to have been tortured while in jail. Now he demands an apology from officials and says he will name them later.

Disaster Maze

The disaster maze could educated kids about staying away form powerlines, debris, etc. during a storm. It probably wouldn't be a super useful tool, was just super easy and there are definately better ways to prepare kids for hurricanes.

Hurricane House

The hurricane house game could help educate kids about how to prepare for a hurricane by showing them different things that would prove hazardous during a storm. It would probably be good to play this game with kids along with teaching them about hurricane preparedness so they will be ready for anything.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Crash Scene

Like the brain surgery I could never tell what was happening due to the lack of sound and captions. Probably the most intersting part of the activity was the fact that it made me think about people actually having to go out and reconstruct crash scenes...which I now know to be tedious and time consuming.

Brain Surgery

During brain surgery I could never tell what anyone was saying because there was no caption, so I just went along clicking buttons and doing whatever. The brain surgery was definately the most violent of all the activities, definately a weird assignment. Even though the site is for little kids, parental guidance is definately suggested.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Cell Phone Design

It said my cell phone design was great and lots of people were buying it. Apparently, the phone brought in alot of money because the guy had money falling out of his suit...For the phone, I just made it very simple and easy to see and was just a phone.