Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Smitty Jergenmanjensen

This is the true story of Smitty Jergenmanjensen, son of Roje Jergenmanjensen, son of Zhone Jergenmanjensen. I write this story to inform future generations about the past, which is now gone... I was born in The Hospital of Women in the town of the Red Stick of the Land of Louis, in the year of the monkey.
Growing up, my father taught me the rich history of my family, the farmers and shopkeepers. We are a noble bloodline, friends of the earth and frugal with the money. As a young boy I was initiated into this great practice of farming, and took to it not. "Oy Ve!" my father exclaimed, "This one is not one of us!" But I knew I was meant for something great, something extraordinary.
I began to teach myself of the reading and writing at 5 years of life, and took to it as a fish to land, as they say...Since the reading and writing interested me not, I tried my hand at the language of the numbers...which I loved as much as jumping off the house and breaking my leg. I grew up, not truly understanding what I wanted to do to fulfill my destiny.
And then I found the arts of the martial things. These I liked. So I devoted myself to learning these and discovering the past of all things. I found how important it is to learn of the things of the past times, so as to be ready for the things which will happen sometime in the future part of time. I found that the school-place of learning was no fun, and held my interest not at all, but physical discipline and teaching of the past was what I enjoyed.
So this is where I leave you in my life. Yes, it is short...I will finish it sometime when I live a life of long years. Hopefully I will be able to fulfill the plans for the future, and continue doing what I like doing. Remember, Smitty Jergenmanjensen is number one!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Christmas Tree NP article

Ah, the Christmas tree. That most noble holiday tradition...or is it? Where did this strange custom of putting lights, ornaments, and popcorn on a tree come from? Every year millions of people participate in this practice, most without question, never really knowing what they're actually doing. So let's clear up the confusion!
Well, everyone knows the Christmas tree is all about Christmas, right? Today, yes, the Christmas tree is all about Christmas...hence the name; but it hasn't necessarily been that way forever. This mysterious tree actually has its roots pre-Christian Rome and Britain, where it was used for different festivals. This is why some people today refuse to have Christmas trees in their house...they believe that they shouldn't be associated with the Christ.
Christmas trees more like we know, with decorations and such, actually originated in northern Germany in the 1500's. This tradition spread throughout Germany, and by the nineteenth century had become a general custom. The nineteenth cenury marked the Christmas tree's foray into other European counries, as well.
These early Christmas trees are certainly not quite like the trees we decorate today, I'm pretty sure most people can't eat all of the ornaments off of their trees. Looking back at the earliest trees, though, you'll see that they were decorated with an assortment of apples, nuts, dates, pretzels, and other various and assundry snacks. After these types of adornments for trees were abandoned, different decorations such as candles, paper and sugar ornaments, and string dressings were used.
These days, the Christmas tree is a well-known and respected part of the Christmas holiday. For many Americans, Christmas just isn't Chistmas without the tree. So this holiday season, are you going green?

Thursday, December 3, 2009

America's Past

America was founded on war...and on war will it survive.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

NP ideas

3.Christmas tree origin
4.Christmas around the world
5.This Month in History
7.Santa Claus
8.Christmas recipe(s)
12.High Fructose Corn syrup
13.Organic Food
14.Star Trek
15.Star Wars
16.Mac vs. PC
19.Genetic Engineering
21.Health Reform
22.Fancy-pants cars
24.Vikings (norsemen)
25.Christmas gift ideas
26.Relions around the world
27.That's all, folks!!!

America's Future II

America's future

Tuesday, December 1, 2009