Friday, October 30, 2009

80's phrases

1. Bangin'!
3.The bomb
4.Cool out
6."I pity da fool!"
8.Chill out

more eHow topics

1. How to watch multiple TV channels simultaneously
2.How to get ready for New Moon the movie
3.How to play the air drums
4.How to play a five gallon bucket as a musical instrument
5.How to find a job with a felony
6.How to dry and cure medical marijuana
7.How to Change Your Cigar Aficionado Magazine Subscription Mailing Address
8.How to Make My Roommate Stop Snoring
9.How to Be a Winner and Get Rid of being a Loser
10.How to Start Your Own Vending Machine Business

Thursday, October 29, 2009


1. How to become a U.S. citizen fast
2.How to reconcile Judaism and Christianity
3.How to become a good liar
4.How to become a fairy
5.How to make up funny words
6.Burial laws in Florida
7.How to fight a California drug charge
8.How to keep your shirt and other assets in a divorce (men)
9.How to identify coconut crabs
10.How to physically defend yourself when you can't fight

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Dubai homes are large and very spacious. They are nice, with many rooms and nice furnishings. Many families in Dubai are large. Dubai is a very prosperous city, so the houses reflect that.

Danish Home

The typical Danish home is very modern looking and clean. Everything is shines and is in order. The rooms are relatively small compared to the typical American room. Also, the beds do not looks as plush and luxuriant...Apparently, privacy isn't valued over there like it is in America, either.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Nintendo Wii

"You don't just play Wii, you experience it." The Wii is Nintendo's latest game console, and definately their most unique. It offers gameplay unlike any other console, and continues to come out with new additions and features.
First and foremost, the Wii is a game console. The Wii has many games, many of which come from Nintendo's huge history. Mario, Zelda, and Super Smash Brothers are all some of the classics this system has redone and brought to this generation. The Wii, of course, has other new games just like any other console. Racing, shooter games, and sports are all gaming options.
One of the most different things about Wii is the way you control it. Unlike other game systems, the Wii uses a remote along with what is called a "nunchuk". The remote is very interactive; it uses motion along with buttons to work. For instance, if you're using a sword, instead of just hitting a button to do something, you can actually slash in the air and the virtual sword will do the same. Of course, this is just one of the many things you can do with the remote. The remote also attatches to a "nunchuk" which is motion sensitive as well and can be used in conjuction with the remote.
The Wii also has other things you can do, like connect to the internet, download games, and browse different channels. The Wii features a web browser which lets access sites on the world wide web. You can download super old video games like Mario Brothers and Zelda with the Wii. These old games come from all kinds of consoles:NES, SNES, N64, Arcade, Commodore 64, NEOGEO, Sega Genesis, Sega Master System and TurboGrafx, games from all of these can be found.
As you can see, the Wii is clearly a revolutionary game system. All throughout their long history, Nintendo has continued to bring new and exciting innovations to the gaming industry. So what does Nintendo has planned next? We'll just have to wait and see...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Lindsay Lohan's car rammed by photographer looking for a shot

Lindsay Lohan wishes paparazzi would keep their distance, especially after police said a photographer intentionally crashed into her car.

"It's a frightening experience. There's a line that needs to be drawn now," the actress-singer told reporters recently, according to AP Radio.

Lohan suffered cuts and bruises in the accident last week in Los Angeles. Police said the photographer intentionally rammed the left rear of Lohan's 2005 Mercedes-Benz.

"I was so shaken up, but I was still nice 'cause I was like, `I understand it's your job. But you don't have to ram into me next time. I'll give you a picture.'''

It's been a difficult year, Lohan said.

That's crazy! He rammed into her car to get a picture, he should go to jail because he's a danger to society!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Declaration of Independence

1. Take out a copy of the Declaration of Independence and review the document for its main ideas. How are the core values of American democracy incorporated into the Declaration?
-"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

2. Throughout these core values, the relationship between citizen and government is described. What responsibilities does the government have to honoring these core values? What responsibilities do individual citizens have to preserve these core values?
-Both the government and the citizen has responsibilities to preserve these core values so as to keep law, order, and freedom in America. Without these core values outlined, America would descend into a state of lawlessness and anarchy, at worst. A state of tyrranical dictatorship at best.

3. How might some or all of these core values be important to the preservation of a free and independent press?
-Freedom is of utmost importance to an independent press. Without freedom, the press would never be able to report the news without bias, because the government would of course have its hand in it...

4. Identify the core values of American constitutional democracy that allow private citizens to collect, edit and further distribute information to others and how the values help drive these actions.
-Americans are given freedom of the press...which of course means we can collect, edit, and distribute information as we want.

5. What responsibilities do producers of information have to these core values and their fellow citizens when distributing information?
-The have the responsibility to report the news truthfully, and without bias. The news should be brought to the masses as is, so they can see it and be free to make their own decisions based on it.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Going to Barnes and Noble is always an enjoyable experience. It's full of all kinds of books, magazines, DVD's, CD's, and comics. One can just walk around, reading books at random, always finding something new and interesting.
When yo walks into Barnes and Noble, you are greeted by the smell of fresh paper...and knowledge. To the left, there is a copious amount of books and magazines, and there is also a cafe. To the right, even more books, as well as games and other tidbits. Take the escalator upstairs and you'll find loads of CD's, DVD's, comics, and some historical and religious books.
You can get lost in Barnes and Noble, reading books for hours on end. There are books and politics, religion, fitness, sports, science, you name it they got it. It's impossible not to find something interesting in the store. Evey section is full of all kinds of books by many different authors, each one offering something new. The magazine section is full of new magazines, each one with something interesting to read in it.
The DVD and CD selection is very large. You could find pretty much anything you're looking for there. They even let you sample CD's in the store by scanning them or browsing in their little listening stations. Rock, Blues, Pop, Hip-Hop, Country, Classical, these can all be found in the store. Even their comic book is extensive. Marvel, DC, Capcom, and other graphic novels can all be found there.
Barnes and Noble is a great place to go to looks for books, music, movies, or random toys. All you have to do is take the time to look.

Strength Training Article

Another rough one

Effective Strength Training

When you think about working out, what is it that immediately comes to mind? Someone doing some bicep curls, or maybe some dumbbell flyes? When most people think of strength training, they think of going into the gym, and hitting up some little isolation workouts until they get a little burn in their arms and then they leave the gym, feeling accomplished. They do this for a few weeks, over and over again, hitting pretty much the same workout every time. Eventually, though, this same workout over and over again becomes boring; they get discouraged because they stop seeing any results, and sometimes just quit altogether. So what can YOU do so that you don't end up like one of these people?
The problem with said routine is that all it focuses on are isolation workouts, which means it isolates one particular muscle group. For instance, BICEP curls isolate the BICEPS, TRICEP extensions isolate the TRICEPS, and so on. But what's the big deal? You're still working out, which means it's still good, right? WRONG! To a certain extent, yes, challenging your muscles, however wimpy the challenge might be, is still a good thing...but these isolation workouts are definitely not all you should be doing, especially if you're a beginner to strength training.
So what is the best way to work out? It's called COMPOUND workouts! Compound workouts, like the deadlift and squat, work several muscle groups at once. Why are compound workouts superior to isolation workouts. Compound workouts stimulate many more muscles, which means you burns more calories in your workouts, and you can do a full body workout quicker than with isolation workouts. Compound workouts create functional strength, which means they better build the strength you need in real life situations. Compound workouts teach your body to work together in unison to perform, which greatly decreases risk of injury compared to isolation workouts. Other benefits of compound workouts include better cardiovascular performance, the ability to lift more weight and build more strength, enhanced growth hormone and testosterone output, and improved joint stability.
Obviously, compound workouts are the superior choice for your exercise, but what are some examples?
-Bench Press
-Bent over row
-Shoulder/Push Press

These are the workouts you need to incorporate into your program starting out. They will greatly increase your strength and stamina. They'll supercharge your workouts and make you excited to go workout at the gym. These workouts are the best!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

This Month in History (October)

I think this is too much, so I am going to narrow it down based on feedback and what other people think are the most interesting occurrences.

This Month in History
Oct 1
1811 – The first steamboat to sail the Mississippi River arrives in New Orléans, Louisiana.
1811 – The first steamboat to sail the Mississippi River arrives in New Orléans, Louisiana.
-1982 – Sony launches the first consumer compact disc player (model CDP-101).
Oct 2
-5 day work week officially sanctioned by American Federation of Labour, 1993
-Henry Ford introduced Model T, 1908
-“Peanuts” comic strip debuted, 1950
-“The Twilight Zone” first premired on TV, 1959
Oct 3
-Washington proclaimed 1st national Thanksgiving, 1789
Oct 4
-1537 – The first complete English-language Bible (the Matthew Bible) is printed, with translations by William Tyndale and Miles Coverdale.
-1957 Leave it to Beaver premires on CBS.

Oct 5
-1970 – The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) is founded.

Oct 6
-First motion picture to use sound-on-film process, 1927
Oct 7
-Edgar Allan Poe died in Baltimore, MD, 1849
-Motion Picture Association of America adopted film ratings, 1968
-Cats opened on Broadway, 1982
Oct 9
-Lief Ericson discovered Vinland, 1000
Oct 12
-Columbus arrived with expedition in the present-day Bahamas, 1492
-Alcatraz became a federal prison
Oct 15
-“I Love Lucy” premiered on CBS, 1951
Oct 16
-Queen Marie Antoinette beheaded, 1793
Oct 18
-Sand blaster patented, 1870
Oct 20
-U.S. ratified LA purchase, 1803
-General Douglas MacArthur returned to the Philippines, 1944
Oct 21
-Tom Edison invented the first working electric light, 1879
-A new typewriting speed record was established by Margaret B. Owen in New York City when she typed 170 words a minute with no errors, 1918

Oct 22
-Airplanes first used on battlegrounds, 1911
Oct 23
-Twenty five thousand women marched in New York City demanding the right to vote, 1915
Oct 24
-A patent was issued for the safety match, 1826
Oct 27
-Dupont developed Nylon, 1938
Oct 28
-Harvard college was founded, 1636
-The Statue of Liberty was dedicated in New York Harbor by President Grover Cleveland, 1886
Oct 29
-The New York Stock Market crash occurred, 1929
Oct 30
-Orson Welles preformed his, “War of the Worlds” radio broadcast, based on the novel by H.G. Wells, which caused widespread panic when listeners took as true the realistically performed news reports of an invasion from Mars, 1938
Oct 31
-Magician Harry Houdini died in Detroit, Michigan, 1926

Honey Article (rough)

This article is really rough...i just wanted to get all my info. together and make sure it was presented in some type of intelligent manner

It’s a sweet treat everyone loves, but do we know what it REALLY is?

People have used honey for thousands of years for many purposes. Although the ancient peoples did not understand the science of honey, they still appreciated its healing and energy giving properties. One thing many people do not know about honey is that it is a very good wound dressing. Honey has antimicrobial properties, and can accelerate healing and protect wounds. Honey is also very good for sore throats when you have the fever or a cold.

The ancient people greatly valued honey, using it even as currency or a way to pay feudal lords. It has been mentioned in Babylonian and Sumerian writings, along with the sacred writings of India and Egypt. In the olden days honey also has been used in making cement, and found in furniture polishes and varnishes.

But these days, most people don’t use honey for currency or healing. No, these days everyone loves honey because it tastes so good. Honey is a very powerful sweetener (2 to 3 times as sweet as sugar.) Since honey comes from flowers, that also means honey will taste different depending on what region and season it comes from, because of the different types of flowers. Honey can be used as a healthy sugar alternative in pretty much any recipe.

So what does honey do for your health? Loads of research has been done on honey and its effects on the human body. Honey is chiefly made up of simple carbohydrates (mostly fructose and glucose), and this is where the energy honey gives you comes from. It supplies 64 calories per tablespoon, and has been found very effective as an energy booster prior to exercise. Honey has other properties besides carbs as well. Honey is nutrient dense and contains a wide array of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants, all of which are very important to have in your diet.

And where does honey come from? Flowers, of course! Honeybees must tap over two million flowers to produce just one pound of this liquid gold, flying a distance of over three times the circumference of the earth! The average worker bee will make only one-twelfth of a teaspoon of honey during its lifetime, despite this. Because it is made fomr flowers, honey has many different flavours and colors.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Top 5 NP Article pick

1. Creatine
2. Rugby
5.Underground Strength Training