Sunday, October 11, 2009

Strength Training Article

Another rough one

Effective Strength Training

When you think about working out, what is it that immediately comes to mind? Someone doing some bicep curls, or maybe some dumbbell flyes? When most people think of strength training, they think of going into the gym, and hitting up some little isolation workouts until they get a little burn in their arms and then they leave the gym, feeling accomplished. They do this for a few weeks, over and over again, hitting pretty much the same workout every time. Eventually, though, this same workout over and over again becomes boring; they get discouraged because they stop seeing any results, and sometimes just quit altogether. So what can YOU do so that you don't end up like one of these people?
The problem with said routine is that all it focuses on are isolation workouts, which means it isolates one particular muscle group. For instance, BICEP curls isolate the BICEPS, TRICEP extensions isolate the TRICEPS, and so on. But what's the big deal? You're still working out, which means it's still good, right? WRONG! To a certain extent, yes, challenging your muscles, however wimpy the challenge might be, is still a good thing...but these isolation workouts are definitely not all you should be doing, especially if you're a beginner to strength training.
So what is the best way to work out? It's called COMPOUND workouts! Compound workouts, like the deadlift and squat, work several muscle groups at once. Why are compound workouts superior to isolation workouts. Compound workouts stimulate many more muscles, which means you burns more calories in your workouts, and you can do a full body workout quicker than with isolation workouts. Compound workouts create functional strength, which means they better build the strength you need in real life situations. Compound workouts teach your body to work together in unison to perform, which greatly decreases risk of injury compared to isolation workouts. Other benefits of compound workouts include better cardiovascular performance, the ability to lift more weight and build more strength, enhanced growth hormone and testosterone output, and improved joint stability.
Obviously, compound workouts are the superior choice for your exercise, but what are some examples?
-Bench Press
-Bent over row
-Shoulder/Push Press

These are the workouts you need to incorporate into your program starting out. They will greatly increase your strength and stamina. They'll supercharge your workouts and make you excited to go workout at the gym. These workouts are the best!

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