Friday, January 29, 2010

Stephen Glass

Stephen Glass was a young journalist who worked for the New Republic magazine, "The Official In-Flight Magazine of Air Force One." Stephen Glass seemed just like a normal journalist, albeit a bit of a brown-noser, who was just always in the right place at the right time...or was he?
Since Stephen was a journalist at a time before the internet got to be what it is today, he was able to make up stories, and just use personal notes to back them up, without getting caught. This worked for a long time, he had gotten out almost 30 of these made up stories, until one day it caught up with him.
He wrote a story called "Hack Heaven", about a software company called Jukt Micronics. This story was noticed by a j0urnalist with a internet magazine, who became interested and researched it. Eventually, he found that Stephen Glass' story was totally bogus, and called him on it. Many of Stephen's stories were found to be false, after further investigation, and he was fired from The New Republic. Yay.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

20 Pictures part 1


Chase. Chase's UTeach was about the Ukalele (excuse my misspelling.) I think that this instrument is cool, therefore i found his powerpoint to be very interesting. I also like the video we watched for it, because that's a great song.
Laura. I always knew Laura was into shady business. Seriously though, I had NEVER heard about the security strip inside the money bills. Maybe Laura's a professional counterfeiter???
Nathan. Nathan's was cool. I had no idea there was a cheat code for computer pinball, so I can DOMINATE!! I have yet to use this code...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

High School Newspapers

1. Diamond High in Anchorage, Alaska has a newspaper called Igaramkin. Yea, it's a weird name.
2. In Aurora, Colorado, Regis Jesuit Highschool has The Raider's Digest.
3. Honolulu, Hawaii is home to Radford High, and The Rampage.
4. Woodland Jr.-Sr. High in Baileyville, Maine has their newspaper, Dragon's Den.
5. West Potomac High School has The Wire. They're located in Alexandria, VA.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Midterm assignment

Blogger, the bringer of madness, destroyer of hope, and harbinger of boredom; but really, it's not all that bad. Blogger really does help us journalism students to work on our writing skills and ability to analyse material presented to us, traits which are invaluable when it comes to being a writer for a newspaper...especially one so prestigious as The Lion's Roar.
Of course, picking my least favourite assignment is the easiest. Although this assignment might not necessarily be considered a "blog" assignment, I put it on my blog, nonetheless. This assignment would of course be the dreaded Barnes and Noble project!! This assignment was most definately the hardest and most difficult to coordinate for twofold reasons...I can't drive AND live in Clinton, an hour from anywhere. Understandably, this assignment caused me much grief.
Now for the favourites, or perhaps they would be better called "the unhated". My least favourite of these three would be the eHow article assignments. I kind of enjoyed doing these because I found the articles to be amusing. "How to Change Your Cigar Aficionado Magazine Subscription Mailing Address", "How to become a fairy", "How to make up funny words", and "How to watch multiple TV channels simultaneously" were some of my favourite crazy articles.
My second favourite would be the Barack Obama biography. I found it interesting to research the life of our current president, and find out things about his past, even if I don't agree with his position on many topics. I also find writing things like biographies to be very easy, so that was nice, too.
My favourite blogger would be the past, present, and future of America in pictures. I thought it was cool to see all of the different pictures showing America's character, and to use to show how the nation has progressed.