Friday, January 29, 2010

Stephen Glass

Stephen Glass was a young journalist who worked for the New Republic magazine, "The Official In-Flight Magazine of Air Force One." Stephen Glass seemed just like a normal journalist, albeit a bit of a brown-noser, who was just always in the right place at the right time...or was he?
Since Stephen was a journalist at a time before the internet got to be what it is today, he was able to make up stories, and just use personal notes to back them up, without getting caught. This worked for a long time, he had gotten out almost 30 of these made up stories, until one day it caught up with him.
He wrote a story called "Hack Heaven", about a software company called Jukt Micronics. This story was noticed by a j0urnalist with a internet magazine, who became interested and researched it. Eventually, he found that Stephen Glass' story was totally bogus, and called him on it. Many of Stephen's stories were found to be false, after further investigation, and he was fired from The New Republic. Yay.

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