Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy News

NASA to Launch Human-Like Robot to Join Space Station Crew:
Who-Space station crew and robot and GM and NASA
What-Human-like robot to join space station crew as assistant (first of its kind)
When-Later this year
Why-To have a robot assistant
How-Just launch him on up there

Computer Chip Water Purifier:
Who-Developing countries
What-Hi-tech water purifier
Where-Developing countries
Why-Good way to purify water, which will save lives
How-Uses magnetic fields to get impurities our of water

Rosie the Robot:
Who-Housemaid robot
What-Housemaid robot
Where-Whoever wants one, i suppose
Why-To do house chores
How-It's a robot...and it's programmed to do household chores. It's not very good at them, though (takes 25 minutes to fold a towel).

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