Friday, April 23, 2010

This Year in Journalism.

Ah, what to say about my year in Journalism? Well, it's definately been one of the more interesting classes of my high school career, and has provided for many funny, or just plain awkward, moments. The line-up of students in this class definately made for a potent mixture of hilariousness.
We had alot of things happen this year, especially compared to all the other which we do absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. We hosted K-Love when they came to the school for See You at the Pole. We had show and tell, which was very interesting. Then there was the student teacher assignment in which we had to teach the class just about whatever. Of course, there were the infamous games of Odd Man Out, which resulted in several injuries.
For our exam, we got to make gingerbread houses...if that isn't a good exam, then I don't know what is. Then there was the field trip, loads of fun. Besides the special days, Journalism is always a class in which I never know what's coming next. Several experiences stand out ...mostly because of their un-Bethany nature. Like Danielle's outburst about wet dreams...or Brooke talking about making out with Laura. Priceless.
We also had a day to go out and garden, which I found enjoyable, myself...but I guess it's just my kind of thing. We wrote plenty of newspaper stories, even ones which were never seen in print. Those were always cool, until we started running out of ideas. Oh, yea, there were also our video projects. Sham-pow and Like-A-Box were the bomb...I'm sure we could make some money off of those, just because our commercials were so awesome. And the newscaster project, who can forget Ricky's crazy performance in that?
So far I've discussed the good. Now it's time for the bad...and the ugly. Bloggers. Bloggers. BLOGGERS!!! Oh, how I hate Blogger. After this class, I shall never again utter the word, as though it is a curse. Blogger is evil, pure and simple. If you think you ever have to do Blogger, I just have one thing to say. Run while you still can.

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