Monday, March 15, 2010

ABC Articles

When Restraining Orders Cannot Stop a Killer:
Who-Cindy Bischof, Tiana Notice, others
What-People getting killed even though they have a restraining order on their killer
When-I don't know
Where-I don't know
Why-Their boyfriends were crazy
How- Murderers can't be stopped by a piece of paper!

Imprisoned For A Kiss? Two British in Trouble in Dubai:
Who-Ayman Najafi and Charlotte Adams
What-Kissing crime
When- recently
Where-Bob's Easy Diner in Dubai
Why-Because they were showing PDA :)
How-they were convicted of public indecency for a simple peck while dining at a restaurant.

Indian Spices, Powders Linked to Lead Poisoning:
What- Indian spices could cause lead poisoning
When- recently
Where- Massachusetts
Why- science!
How- Indian spices are linked to possible lead poisoning after several cases in young children.

Erin Andrews' Peeping Tom to Be Sentenced:
Who- Mike Barrett
What- sentenced for stalking
When- recently
Where- California
Why- Erin Andrews had a stalker and was ready to see him go to jail
How- he was sentenced for being a creeper

Doctors Use Tiny Clip to Repair Leaky Heart Valve Without Surgery:
Who- doctors in Illinois
What- a way to avoid heart surgery
When- in the near future
Where- Illinois
Why- to avoid heart surgery
How- the clip would cut off the leaky valve in the heart .

Death Row Inmate Nikolaus Johnson Gets Facebook Profile Yanked:
Who- Nikolaus Johnson
What- facebook profile kept by convicted killer is now disabled
When- recently
Where- cyber world
Why- it was against the policies of his sentence
How- he was maintaing profile through outside contact...but now the profile has been deleted

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