Monday, March 15, 2010

BBC articles

Israel-US ties at alltime low:
Who-Israel and the U.S.
What- Less than perfect diplomatic relations
When-Right Now!
Where-Israel and the U.S.
Why-Many factors, partly because the U.S. told Israel to pull troops out of Sinai Peninsula
How-" "

Winslet and Mendes Split:
Who-Winslet and Mendes
What-Them splitting up
When-Not too long ago
Where-Wherever they live, I suppose
Why -Just don't want to be married anymore.

Georgia Mafia Suspects Arrested:
Who-69 Georgian mafia suspects
What-Georgian Mafia and Police
Where-Across Europe
Why-...Because they're in the mafia :)
How-How do you ever arrest someone?

Foreign Colleges in India:
Who-Indian people
What-Bill allowing foreign colleges to open in India
Why-To benefit the thousands of Indian students who go abroad to study
How-Has to be ratified by parliament

Reindeers Have No Internal Body Clock:
Who-Reindeers and scientists
What-Reindeers with no internal clock
When-since forever...
Where-Up north
Why-So they can better cope with Arctic conditions
How-They don't have the internal clock, so they don't have wake-sleep cycles and such

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