Monday, March 22, 2010

ABC (Athens News)

Have Natalee Holloway's Remains Been Found?
Who-Pennsylvania couple
What-Natalee Holloway's corpse
When-like a week ago
Why-The were diving and saw the "corpse" in a picture
How-That's where the body was supposedley dumped and they saw something that looked like a corpse
Why Puberty Might Actually Make Us Dumb:
What-Losing learning ability
Why-Change in the hippocamous

NKorea to try American for Illegal Entry:
Who- Aijalon Mahli Gomes
What-Went to North Korea illegally
When- January 25
Where-North Korea
Why-He was there illegally...they don't know why he went.
How-I don't know...he was just there illegally so they arrested him and are going to put him on trial.

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