Thursday, May 20, 2010


1.How to plant a mimosa tree: You should plant the tree after there is no more danger of frost. The tree should be planted far enough from your house that when it grows larger the root system cannot damage your plumbing system. Dig a hole about twice the size of the root ball of tree you're planting, and add in some acidic soil. Put tree in hole, then make sure it fits. Fill in hole with dirt :)

2.How to learn pressure points: Download a reflexology map, as this is one of the simplest ways to at least start learning about it. Take an online course and read up in books about it. Watch videos so you can get an idea of how it should really be done. Go to a class so you can get real experience and guidance in the practice.

3.How to search for spirits with dowsing rods: Think happy thoughts :) Concentrate on what you want to find. Wrap your fingers around handle. Watch dowsing rods and follow whatever direction they turn. Look around the area it leads you to or read it with an EMF detector.

4.How to avoid the police while driving: Know the hot spots (places where cops usually are). Try to avoid the left lane, because cops know that's where the speeders are. Pay attention to other traffic...if someone in front of you slows down, you probably should, too. Or if someone flashes their brights at you for know reason, they're probably warning you about a cop. If not illegal, get a radar detector.

5.Look for aliens online through the SETI@home program. Point your camera to the sky, so you can hopefully capture evidence. Gather and analyse already existing evidence. Join a team of other alien-hunter crazies.

6.How to build a space ship: Get educated. You need to know alot about math, science, engineering, biology, etc. Get a job and connect yourself with NASA, somehow. Assemble a team of people. Define a mission(what you'll do in space.) Determine a payload. Analyse and test.

7.How to ditch class: Decide what class you want to skip, preferably one with a cool teacher...or a sub. If possible, find out what will be happening in the class. Plan ahead, and find a place to chill while you skip, somewhere a teacher or nosy student can't find you. Be prepared to face the consequence, since skipping class is against the rules.

8.How to kill someone with kindness: Develop self-respect and self-discipline. Learn to manage your stress. Practice keeping your cool. Keep smiling! Build your resistance to the rudeness of others.

9.How to make fake weed: Look for plants which fit the part. Walk through the spice section of the store. Oregano, parsley, etc. can work. Maybe try drying and crushing your own. If legal, grown your own hemp.

10.How to take steroids: Ensure the steroids are legit and came from a doctor. You don't want to put some kind of scam in your body that can hurt you. Talk to your doctor about it. Follow the direction carefully. Stop taking if you see any negative side effects.


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