Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Ode to Seniors

Chase is a pretty cool guy. Over the past few years I have gotten to know Chase better since we've shared more classes. One thing about Chase is that he always has a story to tell, so there's never a dull moment. Chase's drawings, guitar playing, and various other antics always kept the class entertained. And, of course, he and Nathan's constant bickering made sure that journalism class was not too boring.
And who can forget Sarah...with all her ghetto language and such. Sarah is the kind of person who will not joke loudly but will just say something and if you don't hear it, then you just miss out on the hilariousness. Sarah also has a kind spirit and can talk to anyone. Truly, she will be missed when she graduates.
Nathan is a true renaissance man ;). He is always up-to-date on the latest pop culture and fashion news, and never misses a beat. One thing about Nathan which I have noticed is that he has the ability to sing higher than any guy I have ever heard. I remember during weight lifting when he sang "I Will Survive"...and hit the high notes. Nathan definately embodies Mr. BCS and totally deserved that award, as he has much school spirit, and can eloquently spread that spirit to others.
Chelsey is someone who I've only really gotten to know this last year, and I regret that it took so long. Chelsey is fun to talk to and her no-nonsense personality just cuts through any crap. I know Chelsey if fairly picky about food, too...and during lunch this year I learned just how afraid she is of snakes.
I've known Tina since third grade, I think, so I've had alot of time to get to know her. Orginally, she was supposed to be graduating with my class, but she skipped a grade to graduate early. Thus, I will not be able to enjoy Tina's company at school next year. But Tina is awesome, and is alot of fun to hang out with. Tina is very funny and can talk about anything...intelligently. I know she likes dancing, especially dancing with flips, as she has told me many times. Hmm, there's just too much to say about Tina in a paragraph, so I'll just say I'll miss her next year.
Lakeisha is another Senior I've just gotten to know this last year. She's crazy, and all the kids love her in the elementary. She definately is the perfect person to work on Kidz Korner. Lakeisha can always offer a different point of view on a subject, which always helps you to understand something better. I'm also pretty sure Lakeisha thinks I'm pretty strange, since she always seems to see me right when I do something weird.
Quite honestly, I've never gotten to know Bria really well. She seems very intelligent, though, and I think she has a very kind and compassionate heart. I'm sure as she embarks onto her new life after high school her Godly spirit will carry her far and she will be blessed.

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