Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Last Blog

Well, this is the last blog I shall EVER do. What a joyous occasion. Now, what wisdom shall I impart to the next class which shall occupy this place? Well, for one I would say "get ready to write," because you're going to be doing alot of it. Journalism is made up of a ton of blogs and articles for the paper. And we write about every little thing EVER. I'm surprised we never had to write about the dust on our keyboard, or something of the sort.
Despite this fact, journalism is also alot of fun. Every day something would happen to make everyone laugh, and we constantly joked around and played games. Then there's stuff like show and tell, and our video projects we did. Plus our ultra-violent games of Odd Man Out...but maybe this class was mostly so much fun because of the people who were in it. No telling how it'll be next year, sorry :(
So now to get to my plans this summer. Quite honestly, nothing much...well, at least that's how it is so far. Hopefully this summer I can get another job, so I can make some serious moolah and buy everything I ever wanted...well, almost everything. I'm looking at several different places to work, but nothing for sure yet. I really don't want to get into the food industry. I also have to be eighteen until I can work at a gym or GNC, which were my first choices.
This summer, I'll be heading to Orange Beach a few weeks after school with my church youth group. I like the beach, so that'll be cool. I'll spend about four days there. Along with that, I'll have my family reunion around that same time to go to. I'm not sure if I'll be doing some kind of repeat of the Colorado trip this summer. If we did anything, it wouldn't be to Colorado...maybe to the Grand Canyon or False River.
I also hope to get a membership at a gym this summer, just so I can have access to more equipment than what I have at home. It would also be nice to find a martial arts school where I could work on my grappling and get some experience in the cage. And that's pretty much it.

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