Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Last Blog

Well, this is the last blog I shall EVER do. What a joyous occasion. Now, what wisdom shall I impart to the next class which shall occupy this place? Well, for one I would say "get ready to write," because you're going to be doing alot of it. Journalism is made up of a ton of blogs and articles for the paper. And we write about every little thing EVER. I'm surprised we never had to write about the dust on our keyboard, or something of the sort.
Despite this fact, journalism is also alot of fun. Every day something would happen to make everyone laugh, and we constantly joked around and played games. Then there's stuff like show and tell, and our video projects we did. Plus our ultra-violent games of Odd Man Out...but maybe this class was mostly so much fun because of the people who were in it. No telling how it'll be next year, sorry :(
So now to get to my plans this summer. Quite honestly, nothing much...well, at least that's how it is so far. Hopefully this summer I can get another job, so I can make some serious moolah and buy everything I ever wanted...well, almost everything. I'm looking at several different places to work, but nothing for sure yet. I really don't want to get into the food industry. I also have to be eighteen until I can work at a gym or GNC, which were my first choices.
This summer, I'll be heading to Orange Beach a few weeks after school with my church youth group. I like the beach, so that'll be cool. I'll spend about four days there. Along with that, I'll have my family reunion around that same time to go to. I'm not sure if I'll be doing some kind of repeat of the Colorado trip this summer. If we did anything, it wouldn't be to Colorado...maybe to the Grand Canyon or False River.
I also hope to get a membership at a gym this summer, just so I can have access to more equipment than what I have at home. It would also be nice to find a martial arts school where I could work on my grappling and get some experience in the cage. And that's pretty much it.


1.How to plant a mimosa tree: You should plant the tree after there is no more danger of frost. The tree should be planted far enough from your house that when it grows larger the root system cannot damage your plumbing system. Dig a hole about twice the size of the root ball of tree you're planting, and add in some acidic soil. Put tree in hole, then make sure it fits. Fill in hole with dirt :)

2.How to learn pressure points: Download a reflexology map, as this is one of the simplest ways to at least start learning about it. Take an online course and read up in books about it. Watch videos so you can get an idea of how it should really be done. Go to a class so you can get real experience and guidance in the practice.

3.How to search for spirits with dowsing rods: Think happy thoughts :) Concentrate on what you want to find. Wrap your fingers around handle. Watch dowsing rods and follow whatever direction they turn. Look around the area it leads you to or read it with an EMF detector.

4.How to avoid the police while driving: Know the hot spots (places where cops usually are). Try to avoid the left lane, because cops know that's where the speeders are. Pay attention to other traffic...if someone in front of you slows down, you probably should, too. Or if someone flashes their brights at you for know reason, they're probably warning you about a cop. If not illegal, get a radar detector.

5.Look for aliens online through the SETI@home program. Point your camera to the sky, so you can hopefully capture evidence. Gather and analyse already existing evidence. Join a team of other alien-hunter crazies.

6.How to build a space ship: Get educated. You need to know alot about math, science, engineering, biology, etc. Get a job and connect yourself with NASA, somehow. Assemble a team of people. Define a mission(what you'll do in space.) Determine a payload. Analyse and test.

7.How to ditch class: Decide what class you want to skip, preferably one with a cool teacher...or a sub. If possible, find out what will be happening in the class. Plan ahead, and find a place to chill while you skip, somewhere a teacher or nosy student can't find you. Be prepared to face the consequence, since skipping class is against the rules.

8.How to kill someone with kindness: Develop self-respect and self-discipline. Learn to manage your stress. Practice keeping your cool. Keep smiling! Build your resistance to the rudeness of others.

9.How to make fake weed: Look for plants which fit the part. Walk through the spice section of the store. Oregano, parsley, etc. can work. Maybe try drying and crushing your own. If legal, grown your own hemp.

10.How to take steroids: Ensure the steroids are legit and came from a doctor. You don't want to put some kind of scam in your body that can hurt you. Talk to your doctor about it. Follow the direction carefully. Stop taking if you see any negative side effects.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Ode to Seniors

Chase is a pretty cool guy. Over the past few years I have gotten to know Chase better since we've shared more classes. One thing about Chase is that he always has a story to tell, so there's never a dull moment. Chase's drawings, guitar playing, and various other antics always kept the class entertained. And, of course, he and Nathan's constant bickering made sure that journalism class was not too boring.
And who can forget Sarah...with all her ghetto language and such. Sarah is the kind of person who will not joke loudly but will just say something and if you don't hear it, then you just miss out on the hilariousness. Sarah also has a kind spirit and can talk to anyone. Truly, she will be missed when she graduates.
Nathan is a true renaissance man ;). He is always up-to-date on the latest pop culture and fashion news, and never misses a beat. One thing about Nathan which I have noticed is that he has the ability to sing higher than any guy I have ever heard. I remember during weight lifting when he sang "I Will Survive"...and hit the high notes. Nathan definately embodies Mr. BCS and totally deserved that award, as he has much school spirit, and can eloquently spread that spirit to others.
Chelsey is someone who I've only really gotten to know this last year, and I regret that it took so long. Chelsey is fun to talk to and her no-nonsense personality just cuts through any crap. I know Chelsey if fairly picky about food, too...and during lunch this year I learned just how afraid she is of snakes.
I've known Tina since third grade, I think, so I've had alot of time to get to know her. Orginally, she was supposed to be graduating with my class, but she skipped a grade to graduate early. Thus, I will not be able to enjoy Tina's company at school next year. But Tina is awesome, and is alot of fun to hang out with. Tina is very funny and can talk about anything...intelligently. I know she likes dancing, especially dancing with flips, as she has told me many times. Hmm, there's just too much to say about Tina in a paragraph, so I'll just say I'll miss her next year.
Lakeisha is another Senior I've just gotten to know this last year. She's crazy, and all the kids love her in the elementary. She definately is the perfect person to work on Kidz Korner. Lakeisha can always offer a different point of view on a subject, which always helps you to understand something better. I'm also pretty sure Lakeisha thinks I'm pretty strange, since she always seems to see me right when I do something weird.
Quite honestly, I've never gotten to know Bria really well. She seems very intelligent, though, and I think she has a very kind and compassionate heart. I'm sure as she embarks onto her new life after high school her Godly spirit will carry her far and she will be blessed.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Bodybuilding Through the Ages

Since the beginning of time, it has been a chief goal of man to become strong and powerful. In no other sport is this desire more tangible than in bodybuilding. For decades, bodybuilders and strongmen alike have both worked to increase their strength and muscularity so as to defeat others on the stage or lifting.
Over the years, bodybuilding has evolved and can really be broken down into different sections/eras. The original bodybuilders would not only show off their immense physiques, but would also do amazing shows of strength to prove that their muscle were not just for showing off with. Today, even though bodybuilders are stronger than ever, we focus much more on the aesthetic aspect of the show, and not so much the strength feats.
The man who could probably be called the first true bodybuilder was Eugene Sandow. I call him the first true bodybuilder because he focused not only on strength, but on aesthetics and symmetry, as well. Sandow was born in the 1860's and is still considered one of the greatest bodybuilders of all time...truly a groundbreaker. Sandow also started the first bodybuilding competitions ever, which William L. Murray won.
By the 1920's, equipment like barbells, dumbells, and other things which you would see in a gym today started to become more popularized and mainstream. Then the 1930's came along, also called the Golden Age of bodybuilding. It did not receive this name because it had the largest or best looking bodybuilders, but because it was when bodybuilding really started to become what it is today. Practicing posing and working out in groups became common practice, and workout techniques were becoming more refined and standard. This time period signaled an explosion in the bodybuilding population which continues on today.
By the 1940's, the first modern bodybuilding even, the Mr. America, came into the picture. This contest was won by John Grimek two years in a row, a bodybuilder who's physique was unparalleled at the time, and would have even drawn stairs today. Then along came Steve Reeves, who many caller the greatest bodybuilder of all time. He won both the Mr. America and Mr. Universe, and helped to increase the popularity of bodybuilding even more.
But even these big names of the 1940's would cower in the presence of the bodybuilders from 1950 to the present. These bodybuilders hailed the age of modern bodybuilding, and were true mammoths. Sergio Oliva, Frank Zane, and Arnold Schwarzenegger are all older bodybuilders whom people still try to imitate today, and many still see them as the bodybuilders who achieved the best physiques, even more so than the bodybuilders today. Sadly, many bodybuilders today have forsaken symmetry and aesthetics for pure mass, and have become quite creepy due to massive steroid usage. The End.

Friday, April 23, 2010

This Year in Journalism.

Ah, what to say about my year in Journalism? Well, it's definately been one of the more interesting classes of my high school career, and has provided for many funny, or just plain awkward, moments. The line-up of students in this class definately made for a potent mixture of hilariousness.
We had alot of things happen this year, especially compared to all the other which we do absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. We hosted K-Love when they came to the school for See You at the Pole. We had show and tell, which was very interesting. Then there was the student teacher assignment in which we had to teach the class just about whatever. Of course, there were the infamous games of Odd Man Out, which resulted in several injuries.
For our exam, we got to make gingerbread houses...if that isn't a good exam, then I don't know what is. Then there was the field trip, loads of fun. Besides the special days, Journalism is always a class in which I never know what's coming next. Several experiences stand out ...mostly because of their un-Bethany nature. Like Danielle's outburst about wet dreams...or Brooke talking about making out with Laura. Priceless.
We also had a day to go out and garden, which I found enjoyable, myself...but I guess it's just my kind of thing. We wrote plenty of newspaper stories, even ones which were never seen in print. Those were always cool, until we started running out of ideas. Oh, yea, there were also our video projects. Sham-pow and Like-A-Box were the bomb...I'm sure we could make some money off of those, just because our commercials were so awesome. And the newscaster project, who can forget Ricky's crazy performance in that?
So far I've discussed the good. Now it's time for the bad...and the ugly. Bloggers. Bloggers. BLOGGERS!!! Oh, how I hate Blogger. After this class, I shall never again utter the word, as though it is a curse. Blogger is evil, pure and simple. If you think you ever have to do Blogger, I just have one thing to say. Run while you still can.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy News

NASA to Launch Human-Like Robot to Join Space Station Crew:
Who-Space station crew and robot and GM and NASA
What-Human-like robot to join space station crew as assistant (first of its kind)
When-Later this year
Why-To have a robot assistant
How-Just launch him on up there

Computer Chip Water Purifier:
Who-Developing countries
What-Hi-tech water purifier
Where-Developing countries
Why-Good way to purify water, which will save lives
How-Uses magnetic fields to get impurities our of water

Rosie the Robot:
Who-Housemaid robot
What-Housemaid robot
Where-Whoever wants one, i suppose
Why-To do house chores
How-It's a robot...and it's programmed to do household chores. It's not very good at them, though (takes 25 minutes to fold a towel).

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

National Geographic

Ohio's Most Wanted:
Who-John Parsons
What-Infamous criminal who escaped from jail
Where-Ohio (Ross County)
Why-He most likely faced the death penalty so he broke out.
How-Used sheets and newspapers to scale the wall of the recreation yard.

Jellyfish Explosion:
Who-Japanese fishermen
What-Lots and lots of jellyfish
Where-Japanese waters
Why-Scientists still aren't totally sure
How-The recent boom in jellyfish population caused lots of problems with Japanese fishermen

Geographic Cone Snail:
Who-Geographic cone snail
What-Geographic cone snail and its venom
Where-The ocean
Why-Needs super strong venom to instantly kill its victims
How-Stings them, they die, and he eats them